quinta-feira, 26 de novembro de 2009

O muro de Berlim 20 anos depois... Poderá hoje, acontecer algo idêntico?!

Concerteza que todos os ilustres conhecem o Daily Show de Jon Stewart. O programa de informação mais caricato e irónico de sempre a passar na tv nacional.

Pois, em época de celebração dos 20 anos da queda do muro de Berlim, e do fim do império Soviético, eis que Jon Stewart e John Oliver, protagonizam uma interessante e objectiva discussão sobre a possibilidade de, nos nossos dias que correm, outra superpotência, ter o trágico fim que teve a União Soviética.

Passo a trancrever o texto, na língua mãe (penso que todos saberão entender a mensagem!):

Jon Stewart - Also now, I’m finally joined by John Oliver, who is now our senior agricultural correspondent, but who was, at the time, our Berlin bureau chief. . . . Let’s talk about the historical significance of not just covering the falling of the wall, but of the wall itself falling.

John Oliver - Okay. That’s a fresh angle. The wall falling represented the fall of the Soviet empire, a superpower, literally crumbling in front of us.

Stewart - It was an incredible moment. Do you think something like that could happen again?

Oliver - No, no. John, this was a unique set of circumstances. A perfect storm not likely to be repeated. You have to remember. Their economy was in tatters.

Stewart - True, I remember.

Oliver - And looking abroad, they had very few real friends left.

Stewart - They had behaved incredibly arrogantly on the world stage.

Oliver - Absolutely.

Stewart - There’s no question the world had turned their backs on them.

Oliver - Together, Jon, those wouldn’t have counted for much, if not for their disastrous decision to invade and occupy Afghanistan.

Stewart - That’s right. That’s all . . . . [Awkward pause.] Uh. But . . . but, of course, our situation is not analogous.

Oliver - It’s totally different.

Stewart - Yeah, okay. Yes, yes, the economy’s in tatters.

Oliver - Sure.

Stewart - Yes, yes, we’ve been a little arrogant on the world stage.

Oliver - Everyone’s agreed.

Stewart - And, we’ve been in Afghanistan now for six years

Oliver - That’s nothing.

Stewart - And it doesn’t look like we’re ever going to get out. But the Soviet Union, at that time, had an inexperienced charismatic leader . . .

Oliver - Came out of nowhere.

Stewart - Promised change and reform.

Oliver - I remember.

Stewart - Yeah, so that was completely . . .

Oliver - He even won the Nobel Peace Prize. [Awkward pause.]

Stewart - (quietly) John?

Oliver - Yes?

Stewart - When your empire falls, does it hurt?

Oliver - A little bit at first. It pinches a little bit. But it’s just like getting circumcised.

Stewart - That’s not so bad.

Oliver - If you happen to be 90% foreskin.

1 comentário:

Amil disse...

MT bom. Só é pena que aos Americanos isto lhe passe ao lado!