Pessoal, sei perfeitamente da utilidade prática que terá um gesto como este (pouca), mas porque ainda acredito na justiça, ainda que muito pouco mas principalmente por amor ao Vitória.
Sugiro que mandemos TODOS, mails, cartas, postais enfim, que utilizemos todas as formas possíveis para demonstrar o nosso desagrado com o que se passou nesta eliminatória.
Deixo também alguns contactos para onde mandar, assim como alguns sites oficiais onde bastará ir a contacto e enviar o mail.
Deixo também a carta que enviei em Inglês e Português.
Com conhecimentos próprios, com ajuda de amigos ou familiares emigrantes que
possam traduzir as nossas cartas, como melhor entenderem, penso que cada
vitoriano devia escrever uma carta onde faça constar a sua revolta e o seu
desagrado, e enviar para, entre outros, os seguintes endereços de e-mail:
Devíamos, entre outros, ir a estes sites e aí deixar em massa as razões do
nosso desagrado:
http://www.michelplatini.com/ (ir ao fundo clicar em "Contact us")
E ainda pela importância:
Devemos ainda encher a caixa postal da UEFA e da FIFA (pelo menos deitar cartas
fora é mais difícil que eliminar e-mails), nos seguintes endereços:
Route de Genève 46
Case postale
CH-1260 Nyon 2
Fifa House
Fifa Strasse 20, PO Box 8044
8030 Zurich
I’m righting this letter because of the elimination of my team, Vitoria Sport Club Guimarães, and the lack of truth that is happening in football.
How is it possible that in a single eliminatory one team could see two penalties and a goal not considered? How is it possible that a referee and the linesman only on a few yards couldn’t see what a complete stadium could see? Even de F.C.Basel goalkeeper went inside the goal to pick the ball quickly! How can we believe in truth and fairness in football?
Please, stop protecting those who are already big, and give a chance to the little ones, those who dream and have ambitions. I’m not begging for favours, we are begging for truth in sport.
Does anyone wants us to believe that what happened was a mistake?? The interests and the millions transformed football in a real mafia and a sport of "legal corruption" just for a few.
All football organizations should be ashamed of what happened yesterday between F.C.Basel and Vitória Guimarães, and on the first leg.
Bullshit fairplay!!
Estou a escrever esta carta devido a eleminação da minha equipa, o Vitoria de Guimarães e devido a falta de verdade desportiva que esta a acontecer no fotebol.
Como é possivel que numa eleminatória uma só equipa veja ser-lhe anulados dois penaltis e um golo limpo? Como é possivel que um árbitro e um "bandeirinha" a apenas escaços metros dos lances não tenham visto aquilo que um estádio completo viu? Como é que podemos acreditar na justiça e na verdade no futebol?
Parem de proteger aqueles que já são grandes, e dêm uma oportunidade aos mais pequenos, à aqueles que ambicionam e sonham. Não estou a pedir favores, estamos sim a apelar à verdade no desporto. Será que alguém quer que acreditemos que o que aconteceu foram erros de arbitragem??
Os interesses e os milhões transformaram o futebol numa verdadeira máfia e num desporto de "corrupção legal" só para alguns.
Todas as organizações de futebol deveriam ter vergonha do que se passou ontem e no primeiro jogo da eleminatória. (14-08-08)
Fairplay é uma farsa!!
1 abraço
11 comentários:
Apesar de no post também estar em Ingles (não sei porque) mas ficaram as letras a preto.. se seleccionarem conseguem ler, mas mesmo assim aqui vai:
I’m righting this letter because of the elimination of my team, Vitoria Sport Club Guimarães, and the lack of truth that is happening in football.
How is it possible that in a single eliminatory one team could see two penalties and a goal not considered? How is it possible that a referee and the linesman only on a few yards couldn’t see what a complete stadium could see? Even de F.C.Basel goalkeeper went inside the goal to pick the ball quickly! How can we believe in truth and fairness in football?
Please, stop protecting those who are already big, and give a chance to the little ones, those who dream and have ambitions. I’m not begging for favours, we are begging for truth in sport.
Does anyone wants us to believe that what happened was a mistake?? The interests and the millions transformed football in a real mafia and a sport of "legal corruption" just for a few.
All football organizations should be ashamed of what happened yesterday between F.C.Basel and Vitória Guimarães, and on the first leg.
Bullshit fairplay!!
Carta ao sr. Platini (não é minha autoria, mas já circula na net).
Mr. Michel Platini,
I'm a fan and associate of Vitória de Guimarães (Portugal).
The club which was eliminated from being on Champions League group phase by the
Swiss club F.C.Basel.
We are considered the fourth Portuguese club; nevertheless, we have never been in Champions League group phase or even in its qualifiers.
If we could have qualified this time, it was our chance of passing from a medium
club, to a club prepared for higher grounds. As a poor club, if we have
qualified we would be able to dispute the Portuguese championship with Benfica,
Porto and Sporting, making our championship more disputed, and therefore, making Vitória a team more prepared for european combats, as is intended by Champions League and its substancial financial support: to support the growth of medium and small teams.
This chance was a chance of a lifetime. The game we lost today was the most important game of our 85 years of History.
This is football. Despite the importance of the match, we must win it in order
to have what we wish for. That's how life is.
It’s true that we have not made a good game. Our team, maybe due to its lack of experience in international grounds, was not behaving the way we are used to. Expected also. Therefore, we were loosing 2-1 with 5 mn. from the game to end.
At this moment, at the 86th minute of the match Vitória Guimarães had an excellent move
from the left, with the player Roberto finalizing it with a header straight into goal
(with the 2-2 Guimarães passed on to group phase).
It was a lucky goal. The luck we never have, the luck we never had, the luck little one's usually don't deserve, the luck reserved only for the greater clubs. But we had it.
Our dream was becoming true, only 3 mn. from the game to end.
Then, suddenly, out of nowhere, we saw that the goal was not considered.
The linesmen of the Dutch referee Pieter Vink (Hans ten Hoove or Wilco W. A.
Lobbert) signalled an offside.
This was our moment of absolute despair.
If it was offside, there's nothing more for us to do than accept it. But after
seeing the images (and of course even before!), we could saw that our player was
not, and never was in an offside position. He even was not moving, movements
that could confuse the linesman. He even was behind three (!) F.C.Basel
players! Those players were even between Roberto and the linesman position, in
his line of vision, which makes it much easier for him to see Roberto's
But it was true. Unbelievably true. Our town stopped. Everyone was crying. No one could believe.
All our hopes and dreams shattered by a mistake that can not be only a mistake.
It's impossible that it is only a mistake. Our player's position is too
obvious to be only a mistake. Does is not exist a rule by which referees, in case of doubt, should benefit the attacking team? How could this not be a case of doubt? How the linesman be absolutely shure thatr it was offside? It’s impossible!
In the game we had in Guimarães, at least one notorious penalty (hand of an F.C.Basel player inside de area) was not considered. But ok, those are the mistakes that can happen. But this mistake, the mistake of Mr. Pieter Vink linesman is not a mistake. It's too obvious
for a medium watcher not to notice. And with this shame, with this robbery, we were shattered of all our dreams, we were sent back with nothing more to do.
Sincerely, I didn't think it was possible, at UEFA's level, that these things could happen. I thought these things occurred only in national leagues.
This is why I'm writing this letter to you.
I know the grounds on which you based your candidacy. We all know that you swore
to defend all clubs, all teams, the big and the small, as equals. That is why
you can not ignore what happened. We can not allow these things to happen with
no consequence. We can not allow a small club to be unjustifiably robbed and shattered of all it's dreams, just like that.
We know and trust that the values you believe in, the values you defend for football, don’t allow you to simply ignore these happenings.
Of course I don't know what should you do, but I know something must be done.
For the sake of football!
We believe in you Mr Michel Platini. Don't help, don’t help Vitória de Guimarães us because there's nothing you can do for us now.
Help football. Help the truth. Help the values I know you believe in. Help the
values that supported your election. Please do not let this enormous and
notorious mistake pass thru as just one more mistake.
Do something about this game that we all love so much.
Best regards,
Convém corrigir os erros:
... eliminação... futebol... eliminatória... escassos...
sim sim... foi mt a pressa! Em inglês foi com mais calma e atenção a esses pormenores.
prontos prontos...só uma boquita...
nao vou resistir! ;P
eu sugeria que escrevessem para o CJ da Liga, para o Correio da Manhã, para a DECO, TAS e claro, não se esqueçam do pai SLB!
prontos....ta mandada...
voces tavam a pedir...
Porco!!! :P
Vai falando Blue...
Pah... tenho que aproveitar enquanto nao fico eu de fora... para o ano voces dao me tanga :(
mas eu so peguei mesmo por isto, porque o vosso Grande Presidente De Milo já anda numa de novo DVD (à imagem de um clube de lisboa) para expor a roubalheira e influenciou os adeptos do VSC, porque de resto eu queria que voces passassem!
writing this letter... not righting
"We are considered the fourth Portuguese club;"
vocês são de rir....só mesmo o platini acreditaria nisto....4º grande?? onde?? há pelo menos mais dois clubes para além dos 3 grandes que já foram campeões, para além das outras taças que ganharam...vocês nunca ganharam nada e são o 4º grande?? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH
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